In Trade Softcover & eBook
Guardians of the Dead by S.L. Wilson
The characters are credibly drawn. Amber is a reluctant heroine who has to battle bigger problems other than her estranged father and stepmother. A gruesome murder involving two students from her school and witnessing a strange red-eyed man initiate her difficult quest. Putting aside her extraordinary ancestry, Amber is still your typical teenager, while Connor is your heroic friend/love interest with an interesting background. Although he seems too good to be true at times, Tom is probably the type of best friend that everyone wants. General Loso is a compelling villain and more complex rather than just stereotypically evil. Although it’s a less appealing aspect to me, as in all YA fiction the romance element is expected and definitely will entice and delight younger readers. I’m more engrossed with the world-building of Phelan. The fighting scenes are great and descriptive. The Guardians, the faeries, and the magic systems are genuinely interesting, and some of the ways they function are quite fascinating and inventive. All in all, Wilson has written a solid debut for the series.
~ Lit Amri for Readers' Favorite

There’s lots of action and adventure in this story, but there’s also a good mix of emotional moments that let us invest in the characters, Amber especially. Her relationship with her parents is more layered than most (to say the least), and I found this to be a nice aspect to the story rather than just rushing into the adventure…Definitely worth a quick read if you like YA Fantasy, very creative worlds, and creepy bad guys.
~ Sunshine Somerville, Amazon Review

​This was amazing! The plot moved and the story was very creative and imaginative. The characters were dynamic and came from so many different walks of paranormal life. I can honestly say there was never a dull moment. I would have liked to have seen a little more build-up in the beginning, but if you like a story that jumps into the action quickly, this one is for you! It was very well written. I didn't find a single typo and I always find typos in books as it's hard for writers and editors to catch them all. But this one was scrubbed immaculately and it showed! Overall…fantastic. 
~ Tonya, Amazon Review


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YA Fantasy Author S.L. Wilson
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